Advent: Advent: Poet

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Summary: Words create worlds. What we say affects what we see. But what happens when we run out of words? What do you say when life leaves you speechless?<br> Thankfully, it’s into these moments that we can look to the words of others and most importantly to the words of God. This is what the book of Psalms is all about. All of the Bible is God’s Word to us. But the Psalms play a special role in this collection of words. The Psalms are God’s word to us about how to speak to Him. And in this collection of 150 songs and poems, God gives us words to speak to him in every season and situation of life. Many of these Psalms come through the life of David—who’s up and down journey gives birth to the kinds of words we all need to hear when we don’t know what to say. And most importantly they often point us to Jesus—who is the ultimate Word of our lives.<br> View this message as we peak into the power of the Poet. It’s a journey that starts with David and leads us to Jesus. You just might find the words that you have been looking for.<br> <br> DOWNLOADS<br> SEE IT // BE IT<br> (WEEKLY COMMUNITY GROUP DISCUSSION GUIDE)<br> Title: Advent – Poet // Scripture: The Psalms<br> ARRIVAL / SOCIAL TIME 15-20 minutes Spend the first 15 minutes or so of your time together catching up and socializing with one another. Also find time to catch up together on how the assignments from last week turned out.<br> SERMON REVIEW 5-10 minutes<br> What we say affects what we see. But what happens when we run out of words? What do you say when life leaves you speechless? This is what the book of Psalms is all about. All of the Bible is God’s Word to us, but the Psalms play a special role in this collection of words. In this collection of 150 songs and poems, God gives us words to speak to Him in every season and situation of life.<br> When life is good, words focus our celebration. God’s words shift our appreciation from the gift to the giver. His presence is more important than our presents. In God’s presence we find word to express true goodness.<br> When life is difficult, words frame our interpretation. God’s words shed light on our situation, moving us from focusing on our struggles to trusting our Savior. God wants us to learn more about Him, even in bad situations.<br> When life is emerging, words form our anticipation. God’s words shape our imagination from what is or was to what will and could be. With God, every test creates a testimony as He walks with us into full restoration.<br> The Psalms are an up and down journey that gives birth to the kinds of words we all need to hear when we don’t know what to say. It’s a journey that starts with David and most importantly, lead us to Jesus – the ultimate Word of our lives. May you each find the words you have been looking for during this season of hope.<br> THE MAIN THOUGHT keep this in mind as you facilitate discussion.<br> Words create worlds. What we say and/or sing determines what we seek and what we see.<br> SEE IT – Questions 10-15 minutes<br> Picture (What is the story saying?): What seasons did David experience in Psalm 12, 22, and 66? How do these words of God focus our celebration, frame our interpretation, and form our anticipation? How can trusting God’s words redefine successful living<br> Mirror (Where am I in the story?): Where do you find yourself in the cycle of the Psalms? Are you thriving in orientation, surviving in disorientation, or reviving in reorientation? How can the hope of God’s message give you words of hope in every season of life?<br> Window (How does the story change how I see those around me?):  Which season do you find your family members, coworkers, and/or your community experiencing? How can what we have learned from David in the Psalms inform the words God is inviting us to speak into their lives this week?<br> BE IT – Practice<br> At Grace each week we use the ideas of Worship, Word,