TKAM #765 Temporary Freedom #AirOutWednesday

TK in the AM: show

Summary: 11.22.17 It’s the show before Thanksgiving. Tomorrow you’ll be with friends and family, sitting down together, talking. So if you have anything that’s making you angry, let it out with us so it won’t come up during dinner. #AiroutWednesday TK and Conscious begin by talking about how the fashion industry is at it again. There’s a new collection of thanksgiving themed Prada shoes out there, perfect for the WASP in our lives. In #NewsYouCanUse: Update on Lena Dunahm: One of her writers has called her out and quit. The women of SNL have announced their support for Al Franken amongst the allegations The 45 administration recinds temporary status for Haitian refugees. Zimbabwe’s President Mugabe, resigns. College in Missouri now has a mandatory class on patriotism--totally not related to flag protesting (sarcasm). Net Neutrality is also at risk once again. Once again, tomorrow is Thanksgiving. You know your friends and family. If they get under your skin, keep it cool, enjoy your meal, and come back next Wednesday to air them out. And please, if someone you meet says that they’re going through something, don’t say that “you know how they feel” #AiroutWednesday @TKinTheAM is live every M-W-F 10-1130am EST on and tunein app. Same day replays 7pm EST also available on Apple Podcasts, GooglePlay Music, mixcloud, and Spreaker! Love TK &Cons? Get a shirt! Do you love us? Help us keep the lights on. Wanna be nicer to us? Review us where podcasts are available! Tell people about us! RUNDOWN 0:00 #SONG: Sum - Astral Body 5:00 #Intro: The podcast workshop; Conscious talks about the Louboutin documentary; the thanksgiving prada shoes 13:33 #SONG: Blkkathy-Lemon 17:38 #NewsYouCanUse: Lena Dunahm’s writer has quit and has called her out; Women of SNL have claimed their support for Al Franken; Trump administration to deport temporary Haitian refugees by 2019 54:00 #SONG: Prince - When Doves Cry 59:15 #ChatroomCheckin 61:35 #NewsYouCanUse: Zimbabwe’s President Mugabe, resigns; college in Missouri creates mandatory class on patriotism; Net Neutrality in danger. 84:00 #OUTRO: Last airout on emotional intelligence