"Komodo Beneath the Waves"

DiveFilm HD Video show

Summary: This video earned 1st Place, underwater video category in the 3rd Annual International Underwater Photography & Video Competition, organized by Wetpixel and DivePhotoGuide in association with Our World Underwater. Mike Boom says of "Komodo Beneath the Waves": In the summer of 2007, my wife and I went to Indonesia for a couple of weeks of diving from the Seven Seas live-aboard dive boat in Komodo National Park. We were very lucky to be there with Howard and Michele Hall, who were scouting locations with Peter Kragh for the Halls' upcoming 3D IMAX movie, a sequel to their very successful Deep Sea 3D. It's always a thorough education to watch Howard shoot, and the Halls are a lot of fun to hang out with. Komodo surprised us completely: it wasn't the dripping green rain-forested islands crawling with Komodo dragons that I had in my mind's eye, but dry islands that remind me a lot of the Channel Islands off southern California. (Although there were Komodo dragons crawling around.) The sea life was amazing: Lynn and I were completely overwhelmed with the sheer number and variety of fish, the rich invertebrate life, and the overwhelming beauty of the coral. This video is an attempt to shoehorn at least some of that into a three-minute video. For more information on Mike and his wonderful video work, please visit his website, LaughingEel.com For more information on Wetpixel, please visit Wetpixel.com For more information on DivePhotoGuide, please visit DivePhotoGuide.com