Close Calls

West Chester Story Slam show

Summary: Welcome to the West Chester Story Slam podcast! Our theme for October was Close Calls, and this was one of the rowdiest nights we’ve had in a long time! David Smith won the night. David has told stories several times over the past two years, but he kind of disappeared for a few months. When I asked him what happened, he said, wait and hear my story! The next Close Calls story comes from our friend Nick Kupsey. Nick gets pretty personal in this story, and I’m so glad he told it. . I don’t do this often, but this next story was told by me, Jim Breslin. I think it’s a good story for Halloween season because it’s kind of creepy.  Okay, just a reminder that our Grand Slam is November 7th. Check to see if tickets remain. In early December, we’ll be posting the entire 2018 season dates and themes. Well, that’s our podcast for this month! If you are a fan of the West Chester Story Slam podcast - please let your friends know, or write a review on iTunes.  Thanks so much!