Chillpak Hollywood Houw #548


Summary: When Dean and Phil set out to make The Lady Killers, they believed it to be an exaggerated depiction of toxic masculinity at play. It turns out they were making a feature film that critic Matt Giles says "could not be more culturally relevant." He calls it "exactly the kind of movie we need right now." After a robust round of "Celebrity Deaths" (this week celebrating several actors, singers and musicians), your friends in podcasting wade into the waters of toxic masculinity to discuss Louis CK, Irving Thalberg, Woody Allen, Kevin Spacey, Bryan Singer, Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore, recent gun violence, terror attacks, lions, tigers and bears. Oh, my! Watch out patriarchy, Dean and Phil have you in their sights! Oh, and they talk movies, too. 1971's THX 1138 and 2017's The Man Who Invented Christmas and A Ghost Story get discussed.