Ask Griff & Lee – Show 486 – Segment 4 - eBay Radio

eBay for Business show

Summary: Griff and Lee read "5 Action Steps for eBay Sellers During December" by Top Rated Seller and eBay educator Anne Zarraonandia. Santa Griff gave aBayana to Jessica, Garfield NJ (thebusybaglady), who had a question about markdowns, and Beverly, Newport Beach CA (grandmabevsemporium).<br> <br> Griff and Lee read current events from the eBay Radio Seller Events Calendar, located under Seller Resources in the eBay Radio archives. Click on the event’s title to see all the details. To submit your sellers group meetup or other event, go to; click on “Past Episodes” in the right-hand sidebar; then click on "Submit an Event" in the upper right-hand corner of any archives page.<br> <br>