Episode 27 - Nosey

caithnesscraftcollective show

Summary: The Blether is about Mr Nosey and anything green or nosey. The song is by Bull Moose Jackson called Nosey Parker so you have to get your blues guitar out! www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHNY4juwbeg In the Crafting Chamber of Commerce we are very fortunate to have a wonderful interview with Judi of Shilasdair Shop based on Skye. www.theskyeshilasdairshop.co.uk for much yarny goodness. You will be tempted! And Eva is at www.shilasdair-yarns.co.uk I tell you about my weekend at the Creative Stitches Craft Fayre at the Glasgow SECC and I highlight www.jamiepossum.co.uk www.colourcraftltd.com I have news about www.gaiascolours.com Please help with the Motherbear Project or Teddies for Tragedy www.motherbearproject.org or www.teddiesfortragedies.org The usual Craft fairy and update from the Collective and the Scottish Segment talks about Malcolm II Big up the Blog is from www.moonstitches.typepad.com/moonstitches Please contact me on caithnesscraftcollective@gmail.com or on Ravelry as LouisejHunt, Knitty as Caithness Craft Collective, Twitter as Caithness Craft and Stitchin Fingers as Louise Hunt The music was Caladonia by Caladonix and was from our friends at www.musicalley.com As ever i'm sponsoring this from my own business www.energyhunt.com