Episode 44 - Oh

caithnesscraftcollective show

Summary: Oh aye. The blether is about all things Oh. Da Doonie Day in Wick on 25 November Sale of Work of Exquisiteness in Wick Assembly Rooms Saturday 26 Nov 12-4 I review the Ultimate Crochet Bible by Jane Crowfoot. Pi Shawl, Lyra's Svalbard Hat, Urchin Beret, Shawl Collar Vest for the patterns i mention - all by their Ravelry names there There is a new section called 'The Drams' where Hubby helps by tasting John Blacks 10 year old Blended Whisky. Music is by Such Broken Glass with Harvest Moon from www.musicalley.com Also Tak a Dram by Ian Sinclair. You can contact me as caithnesscraftcollective@gmail.com leave reviews on Podbean or and iTunes Am on Twitter, Google Plus, Seamed Up and Stitchin Fingers. I am sponsoring this by my own business www.EnergyHunt.com