TGR 05.09.16. Do We Exist Inside a Simulated Universe?

The Micah Hanks Program show

Summary: This week on The Gralien Report, Micah begins with an update about the disappearance of a friend (as discussed previously on the show), before moving on to reports about a “ghost ship” found on the African coast. We then look at concerns among USGS officials about Mount Saint Helens, which erupted with nearly catastrophic results in 1980… could it erupt again within the next few years?<br> On the subject of natural cataclysms, Micah also examines a recent report carried out jointly between the Swedish Global Priorities Project and The Future of Humanity Institute at University of Oxford. The report details a number of things that are deemed plausible threats to humankind in the next five years… and you’ll be surprised to hear what the authors rank as even greater concerns than volcanic eruptions and asteroid strikes: among them are the potential for geo-engineering to “backfire”, as well as concerns over the rise of artificial intelligence.<br> In line with this discussion, as well as a previous discussion from weeks past about whether the universe might be a simulation, Micah proposes a new line of thought pertaining to the idea of a simulated universe, and how artificial intelligence, alien life, and even purported “abduction” experiences might fit into the broader context of such a fabricated reality. Sound a bit far fetched? Interestingly, it isn’t much different from similar themes addressed in the writing of some of the most popular science writers today, as well as the ideas of philosophers going even further back. Could a simulated universe actually be a legitimate scientific possibility, rather than purely the stuff of science fiction?<br> Finally, we take time to examine one of the most unusual Sunday morning sermons you never thought you would hear about UFOs, aliens, spirits, chupacabras, and Bigfoot… which reminds us: did you know there is a 2016 presidential candidate who actually wants to put Bigfoot on the endangered species list? Remarkably, he says this is his strangest campaign stance… but since his other promises include the release of DARPA information about Tesla-inspired time travel technologies, once again we may have to differ.<br> <a href="">Join us and become a member of Gralien X for more great podcasts and bonus monthly specials.</a><br> Sign up today and get access to the entire back catalogue of Gralien Enigmas, in addition to weekly installments of the “additional edition”, the Gralien X Podcast. You can also <a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="">“Like” us on Facebook</a>, or sign up to follow us on Twitter:<br> <a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="">@MicahHanks</a><br><br> <a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="">@Gralien Report</a><br> Got information or comments you’d like to share with us for an upcoming edition of the program? <a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="">Send Micah an email</a> with your thoughts or other information.<br>