3901 The Cost of Cultural Abandonment – Call In Show – November 15th, 2017

Freedomain with Stefan Molyneux show

Summary: Question 1: [1:37] – “What are the factors to program a liberal or socialist? What are the factors to program a conservative or independent? Once programmed, why does the program desire social conformity higher than the preservation of the self and will break the pillars of the ideology to attempt social conformity of others? It’s like there is a virus in the basic program. If I was an alien with a 200 plus IQ, how would I mathematically program left and right ideologies? And why must Left and Right brains go to such extremes levels of behavior to influence social conformity to satisfy the program? And how do we make everyone aware of what’s truly going on in their program and aware of the people who exploit the program to achieve greed and power.”<br><br>Question 2: [23:04] – “I'm an asocial American who moved to the Philippines to start a family with my wife, however, I find that there are certain differences in culture that me and my wife are having a hard time getting past. My wife is not a bad woman, and I strive to be a good man, but now that we have children and we're planning to stay here in the Philippines, how do I know what parts of my culture and past to let go of, especially in regards to raising our children? How can I know if I'm giving up too much of myself and my heritage for the sake of my family?”<br><br>Question 3: [1:17:18] – “If one believes the universe to be Godless, then how can you justify any sort of preferable behavior? What can be your base, from which, to justify your value judgements?”<br><br>Question 4: [1:29:21] – “I am a practicing Orthodox Jew but am plagued with serious doubts about the existence of God, the role of faith etc. which recently came to head, in part due to the death of a loved one. Given that I love my wife and children, my community and many of the values of Orthodox Judaism, I've chosen to remain an Orthodox Jew and keep my doubts to myself. Am I making a Faustian pact or just being reasonable?”<br><br>Question 5: [2:31:28] – “I am a 25-year-old Christian male who had temporarily turned to atheism 3 months ago, and then a week later returned to my faith. How can an atheistic world view of what is moral lead to a coherent set of rules that has any authority without being totalitarian? If it does not, then how does the atheist not rationally accept nihilism? If the former and the latter cannot be reconciled, then why would an atheist be opposed to believing in an absolute set of morals that comes from a supernatural God?”<br><br>Your support is essential to Freedomain Radio, which is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation at: http://www.freedomainradio.com/donate