3867 Ministry of Whoredom - Call In Show - October 18th, 2017

Freedomain with Stefan Molyneux show

Summary: Question 1: [2:23] - "In your recent video, ‘The Unspoken Biology of Culture’, you spoke at length about how our personality traits are, to a large degree, genetic. I've done a fair bit of research on this myself, and while I certainly can't dispute this conclusion, I would be lying to you if I did not wonder to exactly what extent my own current personality traits were genetic, as opposed to being shaped by my environment and upbringing. I look back at how I grew up, and I believe I've done a fairly decent job of piecing together how certain events in my youth shaped me into who I am today. While I may take pride in certain aspects of who I am, there are also certain parts of my personality that I feel I need to work on, to improve; I honestly feel these negative personality traits are holding me back, in many ways, from living a successful and fulfilling life. But if our personality is largely genetic, is there any point in trying to change or improve certain aspects of it? Am I doomed to be a slave to my own DNA, or can these obstacles be overcome?"<br><br>Question 2: [27:49] – “It seems an inevitable trend in culture for men and women to continue to separate into what looks like a clear fact/value split. This complicates and most likely prevents the potential for healing between the sexes. I have been working to understand the history and reasoning behind feminism and discouraged to find men and women growing more distant from one another. In light of these facts, how likely do you see a return for men to their traditional roles, where they are "drawn back into family life...convinced that being a good husband and father is a manly thing to do; that parental duty and sacrifice are masculine virtues; that marital love and fidelity are not female standards imposed upon men externally, but an integral part of the male character--something inherent and original?" What would it take for men to realize and live out this truth?”<br><br>Question 3: [1:11:42] – “By definition, the atheistic worldview believes that all life is the product of natural forces. But with the discovery of DNA as a source of human genetic code, how can it be argued that the information that makes us up is purely natural, considering that information is independent of matter? And how can it be argued that life was made by nature when the components to make life are irreducibly complex?”<br><br>Question 4: [1:47:44] – “After listening to your show with Dr. Adam Perkins, it seems to me that my daughter may fall into the category of people who have an employment-resistance personality. She is 16 years old, and throughout her life I've struggled with how to parent her affectively. Now that she's quickly approaching age 18, I worry that all my efforts will be for naught, and she will inevitably end up like her father's side of the family, dependent on others or the state. (she seems to share a lot of their genetic traits) Can you lend me some insight/advice about how to combat or curb these personality traits before it's too late?”<br><br>Question 5: [2:52:39] – “In a recent talk titled ‘The Harvey Weinstein Scandal: Aftermath’ you mentioned the idea of everyone having a documentary and a fantasy in their head with the fantasy being an ideal to strive for but if you just focus on the fantasy and live there, the documentary decays. In light of the Weinstein scandal, can't we say that Hollywood is using the fantasy to excuse their own behavior rather than create an ideal to strive for, which explains why they celebrate the churning out of Naturalistic movies and attack and decry the production of Romantic ones?”<br><br>Your support is essential to Freedomain Radio, which is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation at: http://www.freedomainradio.com/donate