November 11th, 2017 – Whistlers Cornucopia & Vancouver Wine Festival

Tasting Room Radio show

Summary: <a class="a2a_button_facebook a2a_counter" href=";linkname=November%2011th%2C%202017%20%E2%80%93%20Whistlers%20Cornucopia%20%26%20Vancouver%20Wine%20Festival" title="Facebook" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"></a><a class="a2a_button_twitter" href=";linkname=November%2011th%2C%202017%20%E2%80%93%20Whistlers%20Cornucopia%20%26%20Vancouver%20Wine%20Festival" title="Twitter" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"></a><a class="a2a_dd addtoany_share_save addtoany_share" href=";title=November%2011th%2C%202017%20%E2%80%93%20Whistlers%20Cornucopia%20%26%20Vancouver%20Wine%20Festival"></a><br> Updates on Whistler’s Cornucopia and VanWineFest 2018 plus Kristian Eligh finds his “inner Chef”<br> And Part Two of our Pinot Noir special.<br> THE SHOW<br>  <br> Whistler’s Cornucopia Food and Wine Festival<br>  Samantha Rahn is the Wine Director at Araxi Restaurant in Whistler, former Sommelier of the Year and now Cornucopia Ambassador.<br> Who better to talk to about the annual gathering in Whistler?<br> The festival started on Thursday but Sam and I will let you know what happens this weekend and all next week and into next weekend.<br> One of the best things about Cornucopia is it attracts really good wines, winemakers and all the best industry experts AND it’s in Whistler.<br> the drive up. Park THE CAR and walk to the tastings and dinners. Perf!!<br>  <br> <a href=""></a><br> <a href=""></a><br> <a href="">Samantha Rahn (@SamanthaRahnGC) · Twitter</a><br>  <br> Harry Hertscheg – VanWineFest Executive Director<br> Just in time for Christmas!<br> Advance tickets are on sale for the 2018 Vancouver International Wine Festival until December 15th.<br> Festival kicks off February 24th and wraps up March 4.<br> 177 wineries.<br> 16 countries<br> Featured regions are Spain and Portugal.<br> 1 in 3 wineries from those countries are new to Vancouver.<br> Harry explains where the savings are right now and especially what getting a Gold Pass means.<br> (Access to 6 tastings. Delta Lounge. Festival VIP Reception)<br> If you paid for all of them it would be $721.00   The Gold Pass right now is only $480.00<br> So much to talk about with Harry –  Have a listen and make your plans.<br> <a href=""></a><br> Chef Kristian Eligh –  Brown’s Culinary Development Chef<br>   <br> We met when Kristian was working side by side with David Hawksworth in the Hawksworth and Nightingale kitchens and then on the road as the lead chef during the Hawksworth Young Chefs Scholarship Competition.<br> Kristian is acknowledged as a top flight chef – one of the very best. He also had the best hair!<br> I admit I was amazed when Kristian walked away from the nightly buzz of Hawksworth to become the Culinary Development Chef for the  Browns Social Houses.  Currently 62. Soon to be 65 restaurants!<br> <br>  <br> The conversation starts with my first question “what went into your thinking about moving from such different kitchens and programs?”  His answer was from the Chef Dino Renaerts Play Book.<br> My second question was “how did you change the menu and what were your “stars”?”<br> Chef also walks us through their new Winter menu and spills the beans on their new location...