November 18th, 2017

Tasting Room Radio show

Summary: <a class="a2a_button_facebook a2a_counter" href=";linkname=November%2018th%2C%202017" title="Facebook" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"></a><a class="a2a_button_twitter" href=";linkname=November%2018th%2C%202017" title="Twitter" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"></a><a class="a2a_dd addtoany_share_save addtoany_share" href=";title=November%2018th%2C%202017"></a><br> Meet the new “tribute” person at Meyer Family Vineyards..<br> Plus we talk Fort Berens, Canadian Whisky and Taylor Fladgate.<br> <br> The SHOW<br> JAK Meyer/Donovan Tildesley<br> In 2008, JAK and Janice Meyer launched the release of their inaugural Chardonnay at a reception held at the Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design. The 2006 single vineyard Chardonnay from their estate vineyard on “Old Main Road” in Naramata commemorated the beginning of their “Tribute Series” Chardonnay.<br> <br> The “Tribute Series” is dedicated to a Western Canadian or organization for an outstanding achievement in their field and as a way of encouraging or honouring the legacies of these Canadians, JAK and Janice will make a contribution toward a not-for profit foundation, endowment or scholarship on behalf of the honouree. <br> Over the last decade, Meyer has paid tribute to the following Canadian individuals &amp; organizations through the launch of their “Tribute Series” Chardonnay: Emily Carr, Bill Reid, Steve Yzerman, Kenny McLean, Sonja Gaudet, Winnifred Mary Stewart, Kelly Hrudey, Hawksworth Young Chef Scholarship and in 2014, JAK’s parents Art &amp; Viv Meyer. <br> Their 2016 vintage marks the eleventh “Tribute Series” Chardonnay; and this year Meyer is proud to recognize Donovan Tildesley, accomplished blind Paralympic swimmer.<br>  <br> Donovan’s career highlights include a Bronze medal at the Sydney 2000 Paralympic Games, five Golds and one Silver medal at the 2002 IPC World Championships, 2 Silvers and one Bronze medal at the 2004 Athens Paralympics, and a Bronze medal at the 2008 Beijing Paralympics where he was also named flag bearer for Team Canada. In 2012,<br> JAK &amp; Janice Meyer will donate $5,000 in Donovan’s name to <a href="">The Foundation Fighting Blindness</a>, Canada’s largest not for profit donor to researching cures for retinal diseases. <br> The funds will be earmarked to the “Dr. Robert K Koenekoop Ocular Genetics Laboratory” for research into cures for Leber Congenital Amaurosis (LCA) which is the eye condition affecting Donovan.<br> Meyer produced 697 cases of the 2016 “Tribute Series” Chardonnay and even went to the lengths of including braille on the label.. <br> To purchase this wine or other newly released Meyer wines, visit them online at <a href=""></a><br> Rolf de Bruin – Fort Berens co-founder <br> I found Rolf on his way  from the home base in Lillooet to Whistler and Cornucopia. He was about to debut 2015 Red Gold..his sensational blend that is the flagship of FB.<br> 43% Cab Franc/31 Cab Sauv/26% Merlot.<br> <br> And 28% of the Cab Franc was made passimento style. Those grapes were air dried until they were like raisins. Then they were allowed to ferment and become Red Gold.  Many of the same properties and components as Amaretto. Price is around $45.00.  Loved this  blend.<br> Rolf and I also talk about their Reisling, Pinot Gris and the bagfull of awards they’ve won this year.<br> Rolf’s partner in life and wine is Heleen Pannekoek.<br> <a href=""></a><br>