December 16th, 2017-Jan Arden-Feeding My Mother

Tasting Room Radio show

Summary: <a class="a2a_button_facebook a2a_counter" href=";linkname=December%2016th%2C%202017-Jan%20Arden-Feeding%20My%20Mother" title="Facebook" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"></a><a class="a2a_button_twitter" href=";linkname=December%2016th%2C%202017-Jan%20Arden-Feeding%20My%20Mother" title="Twitter" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"></a><a class="a2a_dd addtoany_share_save addtoany_share" href=";title=December%2016th%2C%202017-Jan%20Arden-Feeding%20My%20Mother"></a><br> More than just  a  cookbook from Jann Arden.  Plus The Comeau Case  with Christine Coletta, Rob Summers &amp; Chef Rod Butters.<br> The SHOW<br>  <br> Jann Arden – Feeding My Mother: Comfort and Laughter in the Kitchen as my Mother Lives with memory loss.<br>  “Jann Arden is one of the most honest and talented women I’ve ever met, and her love for her mother is so rich.” —Chef Lynn Crawford<br> Even though Jann and I have known each other for 30 years it didn’t make the book any easier to read.<br> The pain of watching her Mother fade away commands each and every page of this cookbook and then you turn the page and it’s<br> a recipe for split pea soup.<br> We talk about dealing with the slow loss of her Mother and Candy Grams for Mongo.<br> That’s exactly what a Jann Arden concert is like..crazy fun one moment and heart wrenching  the next.<br> As each day steals more and more of her Mother’s  memory, it’s her  kitchen  and the food in it that connects her Jann and her Mother.<br> Amazing book.<br> <br> Fascinating performer.<br> Wonderful friend.<br> <a href=""></a><br> <a href=""></a><br>  <br> Christine Coletta – Co-Founder of Okanagan Crush Pad. The Comeau Case<br>  Christine calls in from Ottawa where she was a very involved by-stander in the Supreme Court of Canada discussion about Canadian Wine laws. It was The Comeau Case. Forty Seven lawyers in one courtroom. It was a big deal.<br> We all have  7 months to wait for the Court’s decision on how wine moves throughout Canada and why it hasn’t moved since 1927.<br> Most of those lawyers were representing Greed. The remaining legal’s were speaking on behalf of you and I.<br> Good Luck.<br> In the meantime, here’s Christine’s take.<br>  <a href=""></a><br> <a href=""></a><br> <a href=""></a><br>  <br> Rob Summers – Senior Winemaker/Hester Creek Vineyards<br>  Great guy.  Loves what he does.<br> And what he does is blend some of BC’s best wines.<br> If you haven’t tried “The Judge” I urge you to charge your glass. One of Canada’s best red blends..<br> <br> Rob takes us through his Character Red and White, his singular Trebianno and the Lieutenant Governors awarded Reserve Merlot Block 2.<br> One of Canada’s best wineries – Hester Creek. On the Golden Mile. South Okanagan.<br> <br> <a href=""></a><br>  <br> Chef Rod Butters – Terrafina (at Hester Creek)/ Raudz/Micro/The Okanagan Table!<br> Rod is on a roll.<br>