Kim Chambers - The world's most badass swimmer

RNZ: Saturday Morning show

Summary: After a fall left her with a serious leg injury that took years to heal, San Francisco-based Kiwi Kim Chambers took up swimming as both physical and mental therapy. She didn't just stick to lengths of a pool after hooking up with the Dolphin Club, a group of hardcore swimmers who swim the freezing waters of the San Francisco Bay. Chambers had been swimming seriously for only four years when she became one of the world's top marathon swimmers. Her achievements include what's been called the toughest swim in the world - from the Farallon Islands, a remote outcrop nearly 50km off the coast of San Francisco, through icy waters, strong winds, heavy swells and great white sharks, back to the Golden Gate Bridge. Outside magazine called her the world's most badass swimmer. A documentary of Chambers' legendary swim, Kim Swims, will be released in Aotearoa next year.