Lum and Abner – Christmas Story. 381223 (RV45 retro609)

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: The scene opens with three old gents looking for a farm that lays East of town. With a little help from a star they get their bearings. Doc Miller has sent them out with groceries for the family in need. The family has come on hard times after a fire, and are forced to spend the wintery night in a barn.<br> The humble scene is described as Lum, Abner, and grandpap draw close to the barn. The details of the hardship of the family is described, and a charitable spirit is present as the gents all talk about extending their homes to the weary travellers.<br> At the barn, Doc Miller sheds some light as to how to help the carpenter out, and provide for the family with the baby being born tonight. The sentimental scene wraps up with a carol that goes hand in hand with the events of the night.<br> Bonus Tracks<br><br> In particular…<br><br> Keith fills in details that are hard to hear once the old fashioned Retrobots come on the scene, and introduces the musical selection in the show. <br> <br> * The old bots get interrupted by a stranger in the studio, David. His first appearance ever.<br> * We learn that the Time Machine booby traps his dials as a security measure.<br> * Something happens, possibly David touching things, and all the bots speak at once to wish listeners a Merry Christmas.<br> <br> The new Retrobots add a clip from Jack Benny – Getting Ready for his open house. 381225. Other songs in the show are: <br> <br> * Gene Autry 1948 Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.\<br> * Glenn Miller – Jingle Bells<br> * Ave Maria.<br> <br>