Sherlock Holmes – The Great Gandolfo. ep186, 451022

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Though always an energetic lad, Sherlock’s older brother Mycroft had always been plump and slow. We find Mycroft dealing with word of a spy, in his characteristic laid back way, and planning to solve this mystery without leaving London. Traverse reports on the happenings of the lady spy at the theater. <br> Following his own trail, Sherlock finds his way to the theater with Watson at his side. The stage magician, the Great Gandolfo, carries out an impressive disappearing trick, complete with a disappearing spy as his assistant. Sherlock thinks he has the trick figured out, and demonstrates to Watson after the fact. <br> At a later show, Holmes and Watson watch the stage activities closely, but somethings wrong. The spy has been murdered. Now the police join the observations of the stage, and a race is on to see whether they’ll solve the case before Holmes does.<br><br> Given the nature of the trick, a twin sister is in grave danger. Will all the loose ends be tied up, or should the aging Sherlock just return to his beekeeping? Has Mycroft figured out the mystery? <br>