Medical Device Cybersecurity Revisited [65]

Medical Practice Trends show

Summary: Medical Device Cybersecurity Revisited<br> Guest: Mike Meikle, CEO SecureHIM<br> Mike Meikle, CEO of SecureHIM, brings us up to date on the latest on medical device cybersecurity, from pacemakers to EKG monitors.<br> <br> <br> This issue (11:48):<br> <br> Just how vulnerable are medical devices and how common are hacks?<br> Recent hacks including St. Jude and Airway Oxygen<br> Results of the Ponemon Synopsys survey<br> Are there products you can buy to mitigate these vulnerabilities?<br> What other steps can healthcare providers take to shore up their medical device security?<br> <br>  <br> <br>