Sponsored Content: Scaling Global - Starting at the Source

Slate Daily Feed show

Summary: For a retail conglomerate like Sunrise Brands, sourcing is the name of the game. But in today’s global economy, you can’t source effectively without hyper-connectivity. Hear Sunrise Chairman &amp; CEO, Gerard Guez, discuss the intricacies of global product sourcing and explain the profound impact that technology has had on his company’s continued success overseas. <br><br><br><strong>Disclosure:<br></strong><br>These podcasts are intended solely for informational purposes. HSBC Bank USA, N.A. assumes no obligation to update or otherwise revise this podcast. The information, analysis and opinions contained herein constitute our present judgment which is subject to change at any time without notice. Nothing contained herein should be construed as tax, investment, accounting or legal advice. In all cases, you should conduct your own investigation and analysis of each potential transaction, and you should consider the advice of your legal, accounting, tax and other business advisors and such other factors that you consider appropriate. This is not a recommendation, offer, endorsement or solicitation to purchase or sell product or service.<br><br>HSBC Bank USA, N.A. 2017. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Member FDIC.<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>