"Obamacare, Lena Dunham, and Other Terrible Things" 12/7/16

Quite Frankly show

Summary: It’s Pearl Harbor day, and this was a fun episode, but we are saving our Pearl Harbor stories for Thursday night. Also, Professor Bowling comes on the show next Wednesday, so we’ll be able to talk about all sorts of History. This episode opens up with some venting. So we take out some of our favorite punching bags and have a go at it. -Senate Democrats are aghast at how white their leadership is *gasp*! -Then we get into some Obamacare/ACA/Healthcare talks now that a “repeal and replacing” of the failed failure of a fail are heating up. This takes some good turns. -Mike May calls in to announce a very interesting Trump appointment. -Then I get into my story for the day with the Playstation and the Star Wars game. Definitely a recap coming tomorrow. All of that and more! Watch the Full Episode and Subscribe to the Live Channel Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dd1QXIaA2sY