"Did Donald Trump and the Russians Steal the Election?" 12/12/16

Quite Frankly show

Summary: This was a good one. Go balls deep into Russia's alleged involvement with the leaks that woke people up to the monsters who run the DNC, the Clinton Campaign, and the media. Now Electors want to have CIA briefings to decide whether or not people, who were voting willfully, actually voted willfully... Scary times. We cover the latest article written by Alex Plitsas for IJR, and he will be on with us in the second half of tomorrow's show. The first half of tomorrow's show will feature an interview with Dr. Cali Estes, who returns to the show to talk about the use of marijuana to help people kick opiate addiction. In the second half of this show we have awesome calls from Max Ancaporado and GadgetDoc. We talk a little Russia, a little conspiracy, and a little alternate history—which was very fun. A little bit of overtime, and away we go. Good show! Watch the Full Episode & Subscribe to the Live Channel Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRC3S50s68U