"New Year, New Congress, Same Old Hitler" 1/3/17

Quite Frankly show

Summary: It's Tuesday, January 3rd, and it's the first show of the New Year; not because I wanted to officially 'observe' the holiday on Monday, but because I was sick as a dog, since Saturday afternoon. Over the course of the New Years weekend I did get a chance to watch a few extra things on Netflix, in my diminished, delirious state. So, we talk a little about the Mariah Carey incident, and then onto what I took away from 'Look Who's Back' (2015), a comedy that Matt has been suggesting for a couple of weeks now. This opens up a long train of thoughts about Europe, the US, Hitler, the media, and much more. Then on to the defeats that await democrats in the Senate due to their own willingness to auction the farm away for temporary satisfaction. It was a good show back. I'll be at 90% tomorrow, and then hopefully 100% by Thursday, which will be the last show of this week as well. Watch the full episode and subscribe to the live channel here: https://youtu.be/-jwUfdh_aC4