"Explaining The BLM Kidnapping and Torture of a White Autistic Boy" 1/5/17

Quite Frankly show

Summary: To reiterate, what struck me the most about the Chicago abduction was the apologetic media coverage and the waffling. Network hosts and guests alike deliver their initial heart-felt denunciations, and without skipping a beat, go right into a explaining why there isn’t any clear combination of political and/or racial motivations behind… the kidnapping and tormenting of a white, Autistic kid, while cursing the President-Elect…and White People. What this shows to me is that not only are people more ready than ever to get their hands dirty, but there is going to be plenty of cover fire from the fellow-travelers at the networks, and with the Josh Earnests of the world, for whatever may come next. If we have already crossed the kidnap-and-torture-autistic-people line without liberal media salvaging some integrity and cracking the whip, then what the hell is murder? It would denounced, of course; and then they’ll tell us all that race relations aren’t getting worse; they’ve just always been this bad. Until which time, they’ll continue to deliver homilies about glass ceilings, and police, and the 1%, and privilege—laying the groundwork for the tragic backstory behind all of their martyrs of the past, and martyrs to come. Watch the full episode and subscribe to the live channel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4d-r4_xuBI