"Crazy Maxine Waters, and a call with Josie on Cuba" 1/17/17

Quite Frankly show

Summary: The first 3 Minutes of this episode is audio from the Kentucky All Star Choir singing the Star-Spangled Banner. Enjoy it. The fire is lit. Bradley Chelsea Manning is getting their sentence commuted, and it brings up some questions about where Democrats are going to stand on this in the midst of campaigning for protection of cyber space, and sensitive government material. Then we go on to Maxine Waters, who is as crazy as they come; and she is talking with Christ Matthews, who is at the top of the Mount Olympus of crazy. Maxine goes on to make the most asinine points about Donald Trump, Russia, and the previous election. We take this apart piece by piece. Then onto the recent favorability polls, which look just as fucky as the polls leading up to Hillary Clinton's unthinkable defeat. At the 40-minute mark, we have a call from a great friend of mine, Josie. Josie is a Cuban-American who was very happy to join us to talk about life in Cuba, and thoughts about the recent repeal of Wet Foot/Dry Foot refugee policy. This was a great talk, and I can't wait to have her pay us a visit in-studio. See you tomorrow night for the Hump Day edition. Watch the full episode & Subscribe to the live channel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8D1GzGY59Nc