"Obama's Last Day and a Call with A.D. Bell" 1/19/17

Quite Frankly show

Summary: It's Inauguration Day Eve and I feel good and calm. We check in on the events down in D.C. and then just start thinking out loud. The first half hour of the show is filled with talk on something President Obama said at his last press conference concerning voting rights. At the bottom of the hour we have a fantastic debut guest spot by A.D. Bell. We get to learn about the driving force behind A.D.'s work on the Internet, and the outreach in the real world. Definitely won't be the last time A.D. is on, and please check him out on his Youtube channel. We will be back on air tomorrow night, and I'll let you know if it is going to be on Youtube or Facebook, Enjoy the circus, friends! Watch the full episodes and subscribe to the live channel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1VhOJ2wNAk