"Dear White People" 2/9/17

Quite Frankly show

Summary: The Blizzard of 2017 moves its way out of town and the show must go on. We open up with the hot issues of the day— latest Netflix series trailer, ‘Dear, White People.’ Load with racial themes and stereotypes, this thirty-four second teaser left a lot of people fearing for the worst, and the online backlash told the story. That leads us into the hateful embrace of Elizabeth Warren. Watch as the faux-minist movement takes the hysterics of a deranged Massachusetts Senator and draws heroic equivalency to some of history’s most pivotal and legendary female icons. In the second half of the show we get to speak with first-time caller, and new subscriber to the channel, Susan. Susan is an East Coast truck driver with an All-American frankness to her. And that great call flows right into another great call. Anarchy In Black joins us to talk about a recent development on the Israel front. This opens the door to talks about the roots of the Israeli-Palestinian discontent, and then erupts into heated debate when GadgetDoc calls in to lend his own ideas on what regional solutions are most realistic. To close the show, Max Ancaporado calls in to talk about his latest article for Gaslight.tv, the next installation in the “Early Republics” series: The Swiss Confederacy. Here’s the link: http://www.gaslight.tv/blog/2017/2/8/early-republics-pt-2-the-swiss-confederacy And we’ll do it again tomorrow! Watch the full episode and subscribe to the live channel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWMHY3LHYKI