"California Priorities" 2/14/17

Quite Frankly show

Summary: In the first half of tonight's show we cover a post-Grammys article by Slate that is to Out Of This World with pathetic identity politics that you just may need to take some Brioschi afterward. Does anyone use Brioschi anymore? This leads into a piece on a Black Lives Matter 'leader' from Canada, their thoughts on whether White People should even be classified as human or not, and how fair of a depiction of Black Lives Matter this may or may not be. Then a snapshot of California, spending just a little bit of time on the Oroville Dam. In what some are calling the result of really bad prioritizing of funds by Governor Jerry Brown. At the 30-minute mark, we are joined again by Rabbi Mark Borovitz (RabbiMark.com). The first time Rabbi Mark came on it was to talk about his life story, and his mission to help people overcome demons in their lives. This time around, it was to come on and speak about what he believes to be a growing climate of Anti-Semitism, brought on by this last election, and more notably Donald Trump. In the final stretch of the show we have some lighter fun, reading from a New York Post article by a newly minted gay conservative, from New York. Watch the full episode and subscribe to the live channel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_RIcgQcMzA