"The Deep State Strikes Back" 2/15/17

Quite Frankly show

Summary: The country is stressed and the same media who created the problem is commenting on how stressed we air—in fact, we're breaking records! Don't ever say that America isn't competitive still. Ripping through some thoughts and headlines on the developing General Flynn scenario, it leads us right into the 7:10pm call with Alex Plitsas. Alex worked alongside of General Flynn, and was even invited to become a member of the transition team once the election wrapped. In this episode we discuss what there is to know about the resignation of Trump's National Security Advisor, his possible replacement, and what the possible source of these leaks are. We open up a huge can of worms when we bring up the possible extradition of Edward Snowden. The chat room flared up in debate and accusations of boot-licking, and all that jazz. I'll take notes on all of this and have some thoughts prepared for tomorrow's show. Follow me on Twitter (@PoliticalOrgy), as I have been spending a lot more time on there. Although I think even that needs to be toned down. Watch the full episode and subscribe to the live channel here: https://youtu.be/n7aObxFHbQQ