"The Tesla Connection, and a call with KrisAnne Hall" 2/22/17

Quite Frankly show

Summary: Tonight's show was smooth, clean sailing. In the first fifteen minutes we touch upon Matt's ongoing investigation into Donald Trump's connection with the fabled Nikola Tesla. Can Donald Trump possess technology to see the future? Manipulate the past? In which country on earth is the Meme Magic the strongest? At the 7:15 mark we are joined by KrisAnne Hall. I have been wanting to ask KrisAnne about two topics in particular: 1) Immigration Law as it pertains to the states. (Sanctuary cities, ignoring Federal law, how to respond to rebellious states) 2) The 9th Circuit and the partisanship that has destroyed the Judicial Branch. In the second half of the show we talk a little Hitler, and then end with a call from Stefanie MacWilliams. Watch the full episode here: https://youtu.be/jfWqtxbGI_Y