"Last Friday Night in June" 6/30/17

Quite Frankly show

Summary: Well it's the end of the week, the end of the month, and the end of my patience. We'll mop up with some random stories in the news, and a call from Fleccas Talks around the 7:15pm area. Fleccas Talks is everyone's favorite spoonman-on-the-street, who just recently uploaded a new video adventure at LAX, where people were camped out to make garbled statements about immigration, Islam, and everything else they know nothing about. Hopefully we'll be able to watch a few clips from last week's bugged-out Episode 8 of Twin Peaks. Beware, we got a blue screen of death with about five minutes left in overtime, so the end of this episode will be abrupt. Watch the full episode here: https://youtu.be/8fSduW6itBY