Roland Martin Show Audio Podcast: Should President Obama Bear Some Responsibility For The Outcome Of Election Day?

Roland Martin Show Audio Podcast show

Summary: <br> In a recent interview with <a href="">NPR</a>, President Barack Obama explained what he would like to do once he leaves office in January.<br> During an <a href="">interview with Steve Inskeep on NPR’s </a>Morning Edition, President Obama said, “What I am interested in is just developing a whole new generation of talent,”  cultivate new leaders and build the Democratic Party from the ground up.<br> In this edition of The Roland Martin Show, Martin discusses President Obama’s desire to “coach” Democrats. Martin told listeners, “President Obama has been the leader of the Democratic Party for the last eight years … that’s what he was supposed to be doing.” <br> Listen to Martin’s critique of President Obama and more in this edition of The Best of The Roland Martin Show.  <br> <a href="">Listen, download and subscribe to “The Roland Martin Show” Audio Podcast on Google Play Music Podcasts</a><br> <a href=""></a><br> <a href="">Subscribe to  “The Roland Martin Show” Audio Podcast on iTunes.</a><br> <a href=""></a><br>