#7: Docker's Future is in the Orchestration

The New Stack Analysts show

Summary: Docker sold DotCloud to a German company today, shedding its vestiges of the company's origins as a PaaS provider. The sale follows the acquisition of Orchard, the maker of Fig, a multi-host Docker orchestration technology. Docker is already serving as a core to several new PaaS providers. But orchestrating containers for purposes of portability and communication between multiple hosts is what truly could be a critical shift, impacting the basic workflows of companies that for years have used virtual machines for moving and orchestrating applications. In a New Stack Analyst recording last month at DockerCon, there were sure signs that Docker and many other companies see orchestration as significant in the future of the container technology. Joining us were Docker's James Turnbull; Brandon Philips, CTO at CoreOs; Paul Showalter of New Relic; and Lucas Carlson of CenturyLink Labs. Learn more at: https://thenewstack.io/the-new-stack-analysts-dockers-future-is-in-the-orchestration/