#14: Are Dev Tools Crossing Over the Investment Rainbow?

The New Stack Analysts show

Summary: On today's episode of TNS Analysts, TNS founder Alex Williams is joined by co-host, Donnie Berkholz, analyst at RedMonk; Tom Drummond of Heavybit; Matthew Wong of CB Insights; and by Gil Penchina, co-founder of Fastly. The recent news that Docker and Fastly received $40 million funding each spurs Alex’s curiosity about the evolving status of developer tools as investments. With the acceleration of open source proliferation of developer tools and a history of tepid ROI outcomes for venture-funding in this market, questions remain as to the worthiness of investment in these services. Learn more at: https://thenewstack.io/the-new-stack-analysts-show-14-are-dev-tools-crossing-over-the-investment-rainbow/