#26: Datadog's AWS Checklist and Herding Distributed Services

The New Stack Analysts show

Summary: Alexis Lê-Quôc, CTO & Co-Founder of Datadog, sits in with The New Stack Founder Alex Williams, and co-hosts Donnie Berkholz of RedMonk and Michael Coté of 451 Research, for this episode of The New Stack Analysts podcast. Alexis discusses the genesis of the checklist, which presents Datadog’s understanding of the AWS ecosystem and service portfolio. “We have an emphasis (in the checklist) on monitoring because that’s what we do, but even as an end user of integrated services, we find ourselves asking the same questions over and over for each new service that’s coming out,” says Alexis. For operations, it serves as a template with which to look at these new services, and one that could also be extended to services that have yet to be announced, and to services in general. Learn more at: https://thenewstack.io/the-new-stack-analysts-show-26-datadogs-aws-checklist-and-herding-distributed-services/