#37: Open Sourcing Machine Vision, VR and the IoT Cloud

The New Stack Analysts show

Summary: It’s time once again for The New Stack founder Alex Williams to catch up with his fellow tech journalist and long-time ally, Wired writer Klint Finley, for a future-seeking glimpse into cutting edge startups. In this episode of The New Stack Analysts podcast Alex and Klint also take a moment to acknowledge the demise of Giagom and to wish their colleagues the best. Klint discusses his recently-published story about Percepto, “an Israeli company in the drone space.” “The big thing is that they’re open-sourcing all of their machine vision technology,” says Klint. “What they’re hoping, like a lot of companies that open-source their technology,” Klint says, “is that it’ll drive some adoption, get more developers involved and advance the entire state of the art more quickly.” Learn more at: https://thenewstack.io/tns-analysts-show-37/