#49: Reflections on Monitorama 2015 with Adrian Cockcroft and James Turnbull

The New Stack Analysts show

Summary: In this monitoring-powered edition of The New Stack Analysts podcast, captured during a break between sessions at Monitorama 2015 in Portland, Oregon, Alex Williams and co-host Donnie Berkholz of 451 Research reflect on the conference’s big take-aways, with returning guests Adrian Cockcroft of Battery Ventures, and James Turnbull, VP of engineering at Kickstarter. Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuA1AjorCQs Learn more at: https://thenewstack.io/tns-analysts-show-49-reflections-on-monitorama-2015-with-adrian-cockcroft-and-james-turnbull/