#147: Discussing Cloud Foundry's New Container Runtime

The New Stack Analysts show

Summary: Going into Cloud Foundry Summit in Basel, Switzerland, there were without a doubt questions about Kubo, the Kubernetes on BOSH project developed by Pivotal and Google. At the keynote yesterday, the questions were only fueled by the announcement of Kubo's rebranding to the Cloud Foundry Container Runtime and its packaging with what Cloud Foundry is calling its Application Runtime. Both runtimes run on BOSH, "the underlying open source tool for release engineering, deployment, lifecycle management, and monitoring of distributed systems" that serve as the foundation for Cloud Foundry's platform. The shift to the new runtime discussion also changed the tenor of the conversation for the pancake breakfast The New Stack hosted, sponsored by VMware. Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/nej2EsJQwyQ