Changing ICO Landscape - Two Innovative ICOs Setting a Trend

Crypto Bobby - Talking Investing in Cryptocurrencies show

Summary: <br> ICO regulation might be coming soon, so how companies adjust to that "threat" is highly important. Because of the rapid innovation within ICO's, the landscape for how companies are running initial coin offerings/token sales is changing quickly.<br> With the threat of SEC regulation and more outcry against ICO's, it's more important than ever for companies holding token sales to do so in a proper manner. Which is why I really like the way in which Bloom and PROPs are running their ICOs.<br> Article in the New York Times regarding ICO regulation:<br><br> PROPS website:<br><br> PROPS project Coinlist and Republic Crypto announcement:<br><br> Bloom website:<br><br> Bloom roadmap post:<br><br> **I am serving in an advisory role to the PROPs project ICO and will receive tokens on a set vesting schedule after the token distribution event**<br> ** This is not financial advice and these are simply my own opinions, as such, this should not be treated as explicit financial, trading or otherwise investment advice. This is not explicit advice to buy these cryptos, do you own research.**<br>