ELL 48: Setting Fire to Net Neutrality’s Straw Men

Lions of Liberty show

Summary: <p>In this week's Electric Libertyland, Brian McWilliams flicks his cigarette onto the flailing mass of straw men put forth by proponents of the absurd abomination known as "Net Neutrality." Join Brian as he sets ablaze the paper-thin arguments for regulation of the internet under Title II in a comprehensive and easy to understand lesson in the obvious.</p><br> <p>After driving the Net Neutrality demons out, Brian then turns to a coup within the Federalist Party and Democrats falling on their own petard after coalescing unilateral power for the Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Board with no checks or balances.</p><br> <p>Show notes at <a href="http://www.lionsofliberty.com/ell48">Lions of Liberty</a></p><br> <p><a class="DashboardProfileCard-screennameLink u-linkComplex u-linkClean js-nav" href="https://twitter.com/BrianMcWilliams"><span class="username u-dir" dir="ltr">@<strong class="u-linkComplex-target">BrianMcWilliams</strong></span></a></p><br> <p><a class="ProfileHeaderCard-screennameLink u-linkComplex js-nav" href="https://twitter.com/LionsofLiberty"><span class="username u-dir" dir="ltr">@<strong class="u-linkComplex-target">LionsofLiberty</strong></span> </a></p>