Alabama's Roy Moore Goes to the Mall - John/Bud Talk Betting Real Money on Political Outcomes (Episode 1)

The Sexy Pundits show

Summary: (1) The Sexy Pundits talk about Alabama Senate nominee Roy Moore and what it means for Republicans, the Washington establishment and just about everyone in our country. (2) Senator Mitch McConell pulls a stunt and takes another shot at killing Obamacare by inserting language into a tax reform bill. (3) PredictIt co-founder John Phillips joins the show to talk about the political predictions marketplace where you can "buy stocks" with real money to predict the outcomes of various political "markets" such as who will win the Alabama Senate race, how many times will Donald Trump tweet, and many more. Sexy Pundit listeners who sign-up with PredictIt at get a free $25 match for their first $25 played with the code "SexyPundits". You can win and lose based on your political predictor skills! (4) Bud and John announce their "Douchebag of the Week" (5) The Sexy Pundits introduce a new segment to discuss what's being said at the White House podium. This week, they compile a baseline Trump Administration position on Russia and the Mueller investigation. (6) No Politics Zone - Bud and John go to lunch and get an "Impossible Burger"