Episode 07 - Riverside Chats Part 2: Big Grain of Salt

Potstirrer Podcast show

Summary: In Part 2 of our two-parter first installment of Riverside Chats, host Jaye Pool is joined by her husband Chuckles as they share with listeners just a little bit of their lively political conversations - as a couple with differing political views. Today's episode includes a conversation about the usefulness of historical parallels to describe current political conditions. Jaye and Chuckles discuss the politics of fear and the framing of today's leadership in reference to past events. Do even hyperbolic comparisons have value in political discourse? The Riverside Chats special format is brought to Potstirrer Podcast on occasion to include some diversity of thought to the show and to encourage learning and discussion outside of the "echo chambers" of the right and the left. The Senate has just released a draft of their version of Trumpcare - and it is no better than the House version. This is an $800 billion cash grab and will leave more people uninsured than BEFORE the ACA (Obamacare). In other words - this is worse than health care was before the ACA was even enacted. Call your senators NOW and tell them to vote NO on the BCRA/AHCA (Trumpcare). Listeners - we encourage you to share your reactions and thoughts about the topics we present on the show on our social media and to share your ideas of topics for future episodes. We love hearing from you - thank you for your support! Music: Raga Rage composed by Noisy Oyster provided by freesoundtrackmusic.com Opus Number 1 composed by Derrick Deel and Tim Carleton