Day 289 of Draining the Swamp

The Christopher Scott Show Talk Radio Podcast show

Summary: Day 289 of draining the swamp. Let me ask you something of liberals are so liberal why do they work so hard to shut up and shut down conservatives. No jail time for Bird Gal - the Army traitor - makes me sick. The whole world has to be just laughing at this. The whole stinkin thing the way Obama paraded this jerk and weirdo family around to the way they released 5 guys from Gitmo for this loser. The lousey judge comes out and says Trumps comments would be viewed as mitigating circumstances?  Would you vote for Mark Zuckerberg for president. He's considering running. The NFL is destroying itself from within. Now the owners and players are fighting.  Have you noticed how many people have tattoos? Why? What suddenly made tattoos so popular? Could it be possible there really was a mass alien abduction? This one is fascinating. How often do you see a genuinely evil person? Have you ever? You know a person that you can just feel it in your spine the evil exuding from the person. Wait until you hear the story of Niko Jenkin. No surprise here, they've been rounding up and arresting Trump campaign people. Do you notice anything interesting about the timing?  A federal court judge, here we go again with the judges, bans Trump from banning transgender in the military. Why do you think this is happening? Why would this be so important in the name of this so-called equality? The black plague is back but this one is different. Let me ask you this, if there was a widespread outbreak here do you think the government is prepared to deal with it? So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook: