Sex and Scandals

The Christopher Scott Show Talk Radio Podcast show

Summary: Would you drop off and leave your 14 year old child at an adult party? I've asked this question of a few people and they all looked at me like I had 3 heads. So let me ask it a different way, do you think a parent that drops their 14 year old child off at adult parties is a bad parent? Would that be a bad parent to drop their child off at a party like that? Why are officials not releasing any more information on the Las Vegas shooting? Some people are saying it's to cover up a conspiracy. Is it? Could it be? Would you ride in a driverless car? I've been asking people this and it's about 50/50. Is climate change a real thing or not? After the trifecta hurricane hits on Texas, Florida and Puerto Rico some of the climate change people were screaming, I told you so, I told you so.  Are you afraid to talk about politics? And if you are is it because of Trump? One of the biggest hypocrisies I see in the political divide and the never Trump crowd, the socialist calling Trump a fascist are not the ones afraid to speak out and I've got the poll numbers to prove it.  While we're on the subject of that, are we still a republic? Are we now a one party state? Why do we even have political parties? Are we still a government based on the rule of law? With all the corruption and double standards it's hard to think we are.  That's some of the things I thought you might be interested in talking about So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook: