The Christopher Scott Show Talk Radio Podcast show

Summary: Last week 26 people were shot and killed inside a church in a small town in Texas and another 20 were injured. The victims included elderly and an infant that was shot in the face. It is pretty much the very essence of evil. That incident like many others before has sparked the cry for more gun control. Do we need to increase restrictions on certain guns or completely ban certain weapons altogether. That's the questions we're asking today. We've seen this before. Some crazed, evil idiot opens fire with a military style rifle. Just a few weeks ago there was the Las Vegas shooting that left 60 people dead and 500 people injured. That incident was an absolute massacre. Of course that raises the question about gun laws. Do we need more restrictions on guns? Should military style assault rifles be banned altogether? Should high capacity magazines be outlawed? Or, should we do nothing in order to protect the 2nd amendment and the right to bear arms? There's a whole bunch of other questions that come out of this but I want to focus mainly on the question of gun laws. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook: