Soaring for Equality: A Conversation with Ellie Norman

Chasing Earhart show

Summary: Ellie Norman is a busy high schooler from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Her life is filled with school, sports, music, theater, pets, and family, but there is nothing that interests her more than Amelia Earhart. For as long as she can remember, Amelia has been her inspiration and role model, and Ellie never wants to stop learning about her. From first learning about her in the picture book, Amelia and Eleanor Go For A Ride, to her National History Day Project in 8th grade, this interest has grown into a lifelong passion. Her research culminated in an National History Day project, in which she created a website about Amelia's life and legacy called Soaring for Equality. Since then, she has been getting more involved in the search with TIGHAR and hopes to someday help solve this mystery and continue to spread the story of Amelia Earhart. In episode 15 of the Chasing Earhart podcast, we discuss with Ellie the important of Amelia Earhart as she related to children and young adults, why the world should still care about Amelia, and Amelia's personal impact on Ellie's life. This is what Chasing Earhart is all about. We are honored to present to the world, Ellie Norman!