Born to Be An Artist with James Victore

The Unmistakable Creative Podcast show

Summary: <p>In this episode of the Unmistakable Creative, artist and designer James Victore shares his personal journey, what’s required to succeed in a creative career, and uncovering the defining ethos of our lives. </p> <h3>HIGHLIGHTS: </h3> <p>Staying on the creative path throughout our lives</p> <ul> <li>Why the “weirdness” gets taught out of us </li> <li>The tiny spark that we’re born with that lights a creative fire</li> <li>Why our “useless” jobs actually play a big role in our journey</li> <li>Why real life experience and failure is essential for a successful creative career </li> <li>Our cultural emphasis on safe and guaranteed paths </li> <li>The problem with an acceptable level of creativity </li> <li>The importance of mentors when you’re creative </li> <li>Why we can’t do our work for the reward </li> <li>Learning to develop your own artistic style </li> <li>Paying attention to the things people respond to in our work</li> <li>The power of making work that makes you happy</li> <li>Balancing on the edge of vulnerability and going too far</li> <li> Why teaching is often  a fantastic way to learn </li> <li>Why the defining ethos of our lives reveals itself </li> <li> Treating your work as if you’re giving a gift </li> <li> Using periods of introspection to find tiny sparks </li> </ul> <h3>Quotes</h3> <p><i>If you do the work, the reward will find you </i></p> <p><i>In the particular lies the universal </i></p> <p><i>We are not for everybody, we’re just for the sexy people</i></p> <p><i>People want someone out there to tell the truth. People will follow on authentic voice.</i></p> <p><em></em></p> <p><em><a href="">James Victore </a>runs an independent design studio hell-bent on world domination. He is an author, designer, filmmaker and firestarter. James has been exhibited at the Museum of Modern Art in New York and is represented in the permanent collections of museums around the globe. He is the host of <a href="">Burning Questions</a>.. He also hosts <a href="">a dinner series</a>  </em>that consists four days and nights chock-full of creation, communion, deep thought, and play. It’s an intense and intimate mastery program for conscious creatives who are ready to see and be seen.</p> <p></p>