Notre Dame vs Stanford Preview – IST346

Irish Sports Talk: Notre Dame Football show

Summary: Hank Waddles of answered some questions for us. Check out his preview to see what the opposition is thinking about the Notre Dame – Stanford matchup. Hank Waddles: At this point the Cardinal will take a victory any way it happens, so I don’t think anyone would be disappointed if a hurricane blew through South Bend and Stanford came away with a 3-2 win. My first rational thought is to say that Stanford can’t win this game, that the spiral will continue. But Notre Dame is kind of spiraling, too. Their run defense is vulnerable, which is just the type of defense the Cardinal needs to see right now. I think Stanford will be able establish a running game, control the clock, get a defensive touchdown, and come away with a 17-14 win. Here are some of the questions covered in this episode: What's the primary strength and weakness of Stanford heading into this matchup with ND?Aside from playing better competition, what's been the overall problem the last two games for Stanford?What's the status of McCaffrey for this game and how has his involvement in the passing game changed over the first half of this season?There's concern in the ND camp that Kelly could lose the locker room what's the general feeling of fans and also your opinion about the stability of the locker room and the chances of Stanford bouncing back and salvaging what's left of this season.Stanford has given up 40+ points the last 2 games, what's the primary and secondary reason?The Stanford OLine has been criticised by the media this year, (A) are they better at run blocking or pass protection and (B) what is a strength of this OLine group?What's 1 player to watch on offense and defense?