032- Using a Strengths-Based Biopsychosocial Approach to Recovery from Personality Disorders

Counselor Toolbox Podcast show

Summary: <p>Continuing Education (CE) credits can be earned for this presentation at  <a href="https://www.allceus.com/member/cart/index/product/id/507c/">https://www.allceus.com/member/cart/index/product/id/507c/</a></p> <p>Objectives | Define Personality Disorders | Examine the similarities between the behaviors of certain personality disorders and addictions | Identify ways to address these behaviors and thought patterns | Encourage clinicians to critically examine behaviors in patients with addiction in order to effectively differentially diagnose<br> Why I Care/How It Impacts Recovery | When personality disorders are viewed as pervasive &amp; perpetual, it | Provides an “excuse for relapse” | Often derails treatment because patterns of behavior thought to be due to the PD are essentially ignored | Personality Disordered &amp; Addictive Behavior often look the same | Goals for recovery from both: | Honesty with self &amp; others about thoughts/feelings/needs/wants (Mindfulness) | Distress tolerance and the ability to self-soothe | Hope and faith in self/future/others through addressing cognitive errors | Development of self esteem to eliminate need for external validation | Development of healthy, supportive relationships<br> Personality Disorders | Represent a cluster of behaviors that is pervasive beginning before the age of 15. | Addictive behaviors also often begin before 15 | Due to immature cognitive development, children tend to be more egocentric, overgeneralize and think in terms of dichotomies | From a survival perspective, most of these behaviors make perfect sense when viewed through the eyes of a child<br> Personality Disorders | Treatment | Since these behaviors formed the foundation for further development patients must |Understand their function in the past |Identify how these behaviors and beliefs are faulty in the present |Develop alternative skills |Be empowered to interface with the world with the strengths, knowledge and tools of the adult<br> Addictions | Represent one way to cope with distress | Can begin early in life | Have overlapping symptoms with personality disorders, especially Cluster B<br> Addictions &amp; Personality Disorders | Cluster A (Paranoid, Schizoid, Schizotypal) | Characterized by social awkwardness and withdrawal | Often co-occur with addictions | Cluster C (Obsessive-Compulsive; Dependent) | Characterized as anxious and fearful | May co-occur with addiction | Cluster B (Borderline, Narcissistic, Histrionic, Antisocial) | Characterized by dramatic, emotional, erratic behavior | Behavioral patterns overlap with addiction<br> Addictions &amp; Personality Disorders | Cluster B (Borderline, Narcissistic, Histrionic, Antisocial) | Characterized by |Dramatic, emotional, erratic behavior |All or Nothing thinking |Hostility and Aggression |Hypersensitivity |Manipulative |Low Self-Esteem / Weak Self-Concept<br> Addictions &amp; Personality Disorders | Cluster B (Borderline, Narcissistic, Histrionic, Antisocial) | Antisocial: |Disregard for the rights of other people |Impulsivity |Hostility and/or aggression |Deceit and manipulation |Seem to lack empathy<br> Addictions &amp; Personality Disorders | Cluster B | Histrionic |Excessive emotionality and attention seeking | May become enraged at perceived rejection |Need to be the center of attention |Inability to engage in authentic relationships but uncomfortable being alone |Imagine relationships to be more intimate in nature than they actually are |Tend to be suggestible and easily influenced by other people's suggestions and opinions.<br> Addictions &amp; Personality Disorders | Cluster B (Borderline, Narcissistic, Histrionic, Antisocial) | Borderline: |Low self-esteem |Feel helpless, anxious and constantly fear abandonment |Perceptions of themselves and others may quickly vacillate back and forth |Hypervigilant |Extremely emotionally reactive with inability to de- escalate |Often have a history of neglect, abuse or a dismissive s</p>