-054 -Self Esteem

Counselor Toolbox Podcast show

Summary: <p>Self-Esteem<br> Instructor: Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes, PhD, LPC-MHSP, LMHC, NCC<br> Executive Director, AllCEUs<br> Host: Counselor Toolbox</p> <p>Continuing Education (CE) credits for addiction and mental health counselors, social workers and marriage and family therapists can be earned for this presentation at<br> <a href="https://www.allceus.com/member/cart/index/product/id/587/c/">https://www.allceus.com/member/cart/index/product/id/587/c/</a></p> <p>Objectives<br> •    Define self-esteem<br> •    Explore why self-esteem is important<br> •    Examine ways to improve self esteem</p> <p>Why I Care/How It Impacts Recovery<br> –    In order to form healthy relationships it is important to first be okay with yourself.<br> –    People with strong self esteem do not need others to validate them, or tell them they are good enough.<br> –    Self-esteem means recognizing your worth as a person<br> What is Self Esteem<br> –    Self-esteem is the way you feel about yourself.<br> –    It is your evaluation of your real-self compared with your ideal-self.<br> –    Your ideal self is who you believe you should be.<br> –    Your real-self is who you are with all of your inherent strengths and imperfections.<br> Where Does Self-Esteem Come From<br> –    Children form their concept of the ideal-self at an early age based upon conditions of worth<br> –    When they do something right and get praise, they feel proud.<br> –    Too often we forget to praise children for who they are, and not just what they do.<br> –    Due to children's immature reasoning, many things are overgeneralized and made into global, stable and internal attributions, creating an unrealistic ideal-self.<br> –    Often, parents use the term “bad boy/girl” which says to the child I am bad if I….</p> <p>What is Self Esteem<br> –    Activity:<br> –    On a sheet of paper, describe your ideal self<br> –    Review the qualities<br> –    Mark out any of those that are not important to you.<br> –    Highlight the ones you already have.<br> –    The rest are ones that you want to develop to the best of your ability<br> –    Step 1: Define it.<br> –    Example: “Successful” means what to you?<br> –    Step 1a: Examine why it is important to you<br> –    Example: What would be different if you were successful?<br> –    Step 2: Make a plan<br> –    Step 3: Do it</p> <p>Improving Self-Esteem<br> –    To improve self-esteem, you must<br> –    Change the way you feel about yourself (i.e. change your feelings about your self-evaluation)<br> –    Focus on your strengths<br> –    Aim for effort, not perfection<br> –    Decide if some of the “ideal” characteristics are important to you<br> –    Change yourself<br> –    Likely there are some areas in which you want to improve<br> –    Make a plan to tackle them ONE at a TIME<br> Improving Self-Esteem</p> <p>–    Make a list of positive affirmations and add one new one each day<br> –    When you find a fault in yourself, remind yourself of three positive qualities<br> –    Do not minimize your accomplishments.  Take credit where credit is due.<br> –    Surround yourself with people who are positive and encouraging<br> –    Instead of complaining about faults, take positive action<br> Improving Self-Esteem</p> <p>–    If there is something you feel “bad” about that is impossible to change, then add a new, positive quality.<br> –    Do a good deed every day<br> –    Make changeable, specific attributions for negative events<br> –    Patience– changes do not happen overnight<br> –    Accept your fears and work with and through them.  Nobody is perfect.</p> <p>Improving Self-Este</p>