066 -Emotion Efficacy Therapy

Counselor Toolbox Podcast show

Summary: <p>Emotion Efficacy Therapy<br> A Brief, Exposure-Based Treatment for Emotion Regulation Integrating ACT &amp; DBT<br> Presented by: Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes<br> Executive Director, AllCEUs</p> <p>Continuing Education (CE) credits can be earned for this presentation at  <a href="https://www.allceus.com/member/cart/index/product/id/580/c/">https://www.allceus.com/member/cart/index/product/id/580/c/</a><br> Objectives<br> ~    Define EET<br> ~    Explore the underlying theory<br> ~    Identify techniques used in EET and their rationale<br> ~    Theorize about how EET might be helpful to your clients<br> What is Emotion Efficacy Therapy<br> ~    An 8-Session protocol<br> ~    Targets the transdiagnostic drivers of low emotion efficacy in people with emotion dysregulation, anxiety, depression, stress, and impulsivity<br> ~    The philosophical premise of EET is that while pain is unavoidable, suffering is not.<br> ~    EET skills focus on increasing distress tolerance and decreasing emotion avoidance. Using five components— emotion awareness, mindful acceptance, values- based action, mindful coping, and exposure-based skills practice</p> <p>~    Because learning and memory are created through the encoding of experiences, it follows that utilizing all sensory and perceptual components (cognitive, somatic, and affective) is essential for new learning.<br> ~    In EET, transemotional learning occurs through the activation of all emotional components— thoughts, sensations, feelings, and urges— to build neural pathways around new behaviors.<br> ~    EET leverages state- dependent learning through exposure, which facilitates new learning in emotionally activated states by increasing learning, retention, and recall of EET skills<br> Summary of the Foundation<br> ~     EET is based on research of three foundational ideas for its treatment structure and content<br> ~    A transdiagnostic approach is the most effective way to treat clients with emotion problems<br> ~    Transemotional learning, which involves all four components of emotion, is essential to learning<br> ~    New learning is enhanced in an activated state<br> Why<br> ~    There are more commonalities than differences across diagnostic disorders, underscoring the need for transdiagnostic approaches to treatment (McEvoy, Nathan, &amp; Norton, 2009).<br> ~    Transdiagnostic formulation identifies and targets the mechanisms driving the symptoms (as opposed to the symptoms themselves) as a focus of intervention.<br> ~    Transdiagnostic approaches allow for a single therapy for clients who present with a wide range of symptoms<br> Goals of Treatment<br> ~    Power to experience themselves as distinct from their emotions<br> ~    Power to experience intense emotions, instead of reacting and avoiding<br> ~    Power to choose values- based action, even when emotionally triggered<br> ~    Power to choose strategies to downregulate emotion and keep from making difficult situations worse<br> ~    Apply to the following<br> ~    Anger<br> ~    Addiction<br> ~    Self-harm</p> <p>Vulnerabilities for Low Emotional Efficacy<br> ~    Biological predisposition/sensitivity causing high levels of reactivity<br> ~    High emotionality or experiential avoidance of uncomfortable sensations, emotions, and cognitions triggered by internal or external cues<br> ~    Significant levels of distress intolerance<br> ~    Significant lack of emotion- shifting/downregulate skills<br> ~    Consistent and significant socially invalidating environments<br> ~    Lack of understanding of their emotional experience<br> ~    Ineffective tools to either tolerate difficult emotions, make values- consistent choices, or regulate their emotions.<br> 5 Components of EET<br> ~    Emotional Awareness<br> ~    Thoughts, feelings, sensations, urges<br> ~    Mindful Acceptance<br> ~    Nonjudgmental acceptance<br> ~    Values-Based Act</p>